Single Mothers them. Stanislawa Leszczynska in Lodz

5 October 2009. - Signed agreement with general contractor Enterprise Production - Usługowe "Inbud" Sp. o.o. located in Lodz, ul. Poznan 8/10. To the District Building Supervision Inspectorate in Lodz reported intention to start construction works, and on 6 October 2009. General contractor handed over the construction site.


12 October 2009. - Commenced construction work.

15 grudnia 2009 - dokonano uroczystego podpisania Aktu Erekcyjnego Domu Samotnej Matki i wmurowania kamienia węgielnego z Groty Narodzenia Pańskiego w Betlejem. Na Akcie Erekcyjnym złożyli podpis Ksiądz Arcybiskup Władysław Ziółek - Metropolita Łódzki, Włodzimierz Fisiak - Marszałek Województwa Łódzkiego, Jolanta Chełmińska - Wojewoda Łódzki, Marek Mazur - Przewodniczący Sejmiku Województwa Łódzkiego, Tomasz Kacprzak - Przewodniczący Rady Miejskiej w Łodzi, Włodzimierz Tomaszewski - Pierwszy Wiceprezydent Miasta Łodzi. Świadkami uroczystości byli licznie zgromadzeni goście, w tym przedstawiciele władz kościelnych, państwowych i samorządowych.


15 December 2009. - a ceremonial signing of the Founding Act the House of Single Mothers and laying the foundation stone of the Grotto of the Nativity in Bethlehem. On the Erection Act have signed, among others, Archbishop Wladyslaw Ziółek - Metropolitan Lodz, Wlodzimierz Fisiak - Marshal of Łódź Jolanta Chełmińska - Governor of Lodz, Mark Mazur - President of the Parliament of the Province of Lodz, Tomasz Kacprzak - Chairman of the City Council in Lodz, Tomaszewski - First Deputy Mayor of Lodz. Witnessing the ceremony were numerous guests, including representatives of the church, state and local government.

30 September 2010. - Carried out the second Open Day on the construction of a new building, the House of Single Mothers. September 30 hrs. 12 Street. Broniewskiego 1a, a meeting to mark the first anniversary of the start of the investment. Ks. Stanislaw Kaniewski, Director of the Center of Family Service, which is the investor of the construction, and Fr. Robert Jaśpiński, Director of the Foundation, which helps finance the entire project - made sincerely thank all those who support the work of construction and currently existing home for single mothers. Diplomas received in person: Mr. Vladimir Fisiak, Marshal of Lodz, Mr. Andrzej Kaczorowski, Director of the Social Welfare Centre, Mr. Tomaszewski, chairman of the Lodz Civic Alliance and Ms. Anna Stelmasiak, working in the accounting office, which by the way billing their clients with tax authorities urging them to support public benefit organizations a percentage of your taxes. After thanking the guests could visit erected the building from the inside. Volunteers guided the construction manager and the same CEO Inbud sp. O.o. that leads works. The meeting was crowned grill refreshments.


The turn of August and September 2011. - Completion of the new building of the House of Single Mothers them. Stanislawa Leszczynska in Lodz. Last adaptation work inside. Preparations for the grand opening.


13 October 2011. - The consecration and opening of the new building, the House of Single Mothers at 1a, Broniewskiego Street.


More photos in the 'OUR INVESTMENTS".